Sunday, July 24, 2011

Today I want to write about unemployment.  I've been unemployed for the last two and a half years.  We got hit really hard by this recession and it's been an uphill battle trying to find something that pays more than minimum wage.  I want people to understand that no it's not fun to sit at home, send out resumes and applications, get no response or be told for the first time ever that I'm overqualified for a position.  I think that is just a cop-out from paying a decent wage.
           Not working makes you feel unproductive.  You're not contributing your share.  It's demeaning and uncomfortable when you need to rely on others to help you even though you're so grateful for the help but your eye is on the prize constantly and that is that elusive job that just isn't in your grasp just yet.  We are not lazy and unwilling to work.  Sit at home, not get paid and not be able to support yourself?  Sure, that's just great.  Not be able to provide for youself when you've been doing that since the first day you took a job?  Know you need or want something that you can't get because you have no income coming in.
           On the other hand though being unemployed has taught me many lessons.  Like the excess of things that I thought I needed to be happy.  Not true.  It's taught me what's important to me and what I can live without.  It's taught me to be happy with much less.  I know what my priorities are now.  I know that this like everything else in life happens for a reason.  I know that this is a life lesson that I needed to be taught and until I learned from it I was doomed to repeat it over and over again. 
            I let my creative side suffer because I thought I was too tired from working.  The one who suffered was me because I became angry and resentful and because I couldn't or wouldn't find a balance it just became a vicious cycle that turned me around in circles until I was dizzy.  I know better now.  I know I need to find a balance to feed both sides of me or my soul will suffer.
            I am meant to take the road less travelled.  And so far I've never regretted nor will I.  So take the road less travelled.  Take a chance on something you've always wanted to do but were too afraid to try.  Or tired,  Or thought you were too old to try.  It's never too late until you are six feet under the ground.  Spread your wings and fly.

1 comment:

  1. Thought provoking post, Aida. Two and a half years is a long time to keep your motivation high. Your self esteem must take a real battering. Praying life gets better for you.
